Clitheroe Town Council Serving the People of Clitheroe


All employees of the Council work part-time, mainly at the Town Hall on Church Street. Details of the employees and contact details are set out below.

  • Town Clerk – Mrs Cathy Holmes
  • Administrative Officer/Mayor’s Secretary – Mrs Janet Meloy (Please contact Mrs Meloy if you wish the Town Mayor to undertake an engagement)
  • Allotments Manager – Craig Ryan
  • Halberdiers - Keith Jackson and Neville Wardle
  • Mayor’s Attendant / Chauffeur - Keith Jackson
  • Town Sergeant / Chauffeur - Arthur Astles
  • Town Hall Assistant - Patricia Thompson
  • Town Crier – Roland Hailwood

Members of staff can be contacted at:

Clitheroe Town Council, 9 Church Street, Clitheroe, BB7 2DD. 
Telephone number (01200) 424722.
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please contact the Mayor's Secretary, Mrs Meloy, if you wish to ask the Town Mayor to undertake an engagement.

The Town Hall is open to the public from 9am to 1pm on Monday to Friday, except for Bank Holidays when the office will be closed on Monday of that week.